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Industry Perspectives

Applying the NIST Privacy Framework with Skyhigh Security

September 1, 2023

By Tyler Daugherty - Senior Systems Engineer, Skyhigh Security

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Privacy Framework is a voluntary set of guidelines designed to help organizations manage privacy risks and protect the privacy of individuals. The framework is built around five core functions: Identify, Govern, Control, Communicate, and Protect.

Skyhigh Security is a cloud security company that provides a range of services to help organizations protect their data in the cloud. To apply the NIST Privacy Framework with Skyhigh Security, you would need to follow these steps:

  1. Identify
    Identify the personal information you collect, store, and process in the cloud. This includes both the personal information of employees and customers. customers. Skyhigh Security provides a vast library of data classification standards to expedite your organization’s data identification process.
  2. Govern
    Develop and implement policies and procedures to manage privacy risks. Once you know the data classifications, it is your responsibility to create policies and procedures. Skyhigh Security’s Policy Library contains boilerplate options to govern your organization’s sensitive information.
  3. Control
    Implement technical and administrative controls to manage privacy risks. Define who is allowed into your organization’s applications, which cloud applications your employees are allowed to access, and the appropriate data classifications allowed to transverse into the cloud.
  4. Communicate
    Communicate your privacy policies and procedures to stakeholders, including employees and customers. Skyhigh Security policies can provide real time user coaching and user notifications when data is inappropriately handled.
  5. Protect
    Implement safeguards to protect personal information from unauthorized access, use, disclosure, and destruction. Skyhigh Security provides a range of security measures to protect personal information in the cloud, including multi-factor authentication, data loss prevention, and encryption. Skyhigh Security’s exact data matching provides a unique way of protecting employee records from being compromised.

Overall, by working with Skyhigh Security to apply the NIST Privacy Framework, you can better manage privacy risks and protect the privacy of individuals whose personal information is stored in your cloud environment. Learn more by contacting us today!

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