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Intelligence Digest

Microsoft Azure – Skyhigh Security Intelligence Digest

May 25, 2023

By Rodman Ramezanian - Global Cloud Threat Lead, Skyhigh Security

Research conducted by Microsoft revealed how the nation-state attackers gained access to vulnerable, insecure on-site resources as well as cloud environments that enabled them to inflict extensive damage to the target’s infrastructure.

It should come as no surprise that today’s sophisticated hackers are increasingly focusing on cloud environments to further their agendas. Irrespective of geopolitics playing a part in this nation-state actor’s story, we continue to see exploitation of remote access tools as a prime initial access vector into target environments.

As most organizations continue their evolution into the cloud, hybrid infrastructures provide flexibility to cater for requirements that cannot be fulfilled in cloud-only ecosystems, or may not yet be ready to be cloudified. Maintaining on-premise and cloud-native resources (presumably in a synchronized, hybrid fashion) enables these enterprises to enjoy the best of both worlds until more efficient methods can mature for them. What can be done?

Learn more about solutions in Skyhigh Security’s latest Intel Digest.

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